Storytelling is to Ife Akanegbu what art is to Picasso: an undeniable passion that only grows stronger with each tale told. Born in Nigeria, what began as a means of passing the time for a young boy would soon evolve into a creative outlet when, years later, Ife decided to add his voice to the mental health debate by combining his gift with his vast medical expertise. By covering various topics from health problems and communicable diseases to writing Christian short stories, he is determined to impact lives by inspiring people to start deep and honest discussions on matters that are often considered too difficult to initiate, even as he promotes preventive medicine. Ife is versatile and as dedicated to addressing children through his captivating stories as he is to addressing adults.
Leading a life full of adventure, compassion, and resilience with lots of life lessons along the way, Ife enjoys sharing his thrilling experiences with others. He completed his medical training in Nigeria and obtained his Master’s in Health Management at the University of Leeds. Ife now practices family medicine in British Columbia. With more projects in the works, you can certainly look forward to more beautiful, vivid, and interactive reads.